Amanda Huggins: From Anxiety to Empowerment

Amanda Huggins: From Anxiety to Empowerment

Amanda Huggins, anxiety coach and Gaiam influencer, tells the story of how she transformed her anxiety into empowerment and offers journaling prompts to begin the process of understanding your relationship with anxiety.

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Yoga & Motherhood: Props To Support Your Practice Through Pregnancy, Postpartum Life, and Beyond!

Yoga & Motherhood: Props To Support Your Practice Through Pregnancy, Postpartum Life, and Beyond!

Melinda Parrish and yogi, mom and studio owner Lindsey Canaley discuss different ways for moms to safely incorporate props into their yoga practice during pregnancy, postpartum and beyond, juggling yoga with the demands of life as a busy mom.

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What is Yoga Nidra?

What is Yoga Nidra?

Curious about yoga nidra & it's benefits? Yoga Studio App teacher Carlye Cole shares more about her new series.

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5 Yoga Poses to Relieve Stress

5 Yoga Poses to Relieve Stress

Feeling stressed? These 5 poses will help to soothe and calm.

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5 Ways to Stay Well While Traveling

5 Ways to Stay Well While Traveling

Vacation doesn't have to break up your healthy lifestyle. Here's 5 tips to help keep your routine alive.

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Keep Your Zen - 5 Tips to Reintegration after a Yoga or Meditation Retreat

Keep Your Zen - 5 Tips to Reintegration after a Yoga or Meditation Retreat

Having trouble getting back into daily life after your last retreat? Yoga Teacher Clarissa Thompson has the hacks to help.

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4 Key Ways to Balance Your Mind, Body, and Soul

4 Key Ways to Balance Your Mind, Body, and Soul

Feel like you're headed towards burnout? Here are 4 simple ways to help you recenter.

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Size Does Not Matter - 3 Things I've Learned from Being a Curvy Yogi!

Size Does Not Matter - 3 Things I've Learned from Being a Curvy Yogi!

Read on to learn why size really does not matter on the mat, or anywhere else for that matter!

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6 Ways to Stay Healthy and Active on Vacation

6 Ways to Stay Healthy and Active on Vacation

Don't let your next vacation derail your healthy lifestyle. Here are 6 tips to help keep you on track while traveling.

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Bringing Your Mobility Back: Why Functional Movement is Important

Bringing Your Mobility Back: Why Functional Movement is Important

Curious about the benefits of functional mobility? Gaiambassador Clarissa Thompson breaks it down here.

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Yoga for Busy Moms! 5 Poses You Can Do Anytime, Anywhere

Yoga for Busy Moms! 5 Poses You Can Do Anytime, Anywhere

New mother and model Melinda Parrish shares 5 go-to yoga poses busy moms can do on the fly.

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How Yoga Played An Integral Part In My Eating Disorder Recovery

How Yoga Played An Integral Part In My Eating Disorder Recovery

Yoga and meditation teacher Georgina Berbari shares her personal journey to finding peace through yoga while recovering from anorexia.

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Tapping into Your Inherent Creativity

Tapping into Your Inherent Creativity

3 ways to tap into your inherent artistry inspired by Claritas Collection.

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3 Steps to Letting Go

3 Steps to Letting Go

Moving on from what bothers you

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6 Low-Cost Ways to Nourish Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

6 Low-Cost Ways to Nourish Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Treat yourself.

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How to Practice Self-Love

How to Practice Self-Love

So, what is self-love anyway? We break it down with the help of The Yoga Sutras.

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10 Ways to Practice Self-Care

10 Ways to Practice Self-Care

Tips on how to incorporate self-care into your daily life.

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4 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude Daily

4 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude Daily

Reconnect to the present moment.

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Letting Go for the Life You Want

Letting Go for the Life You Want

3 tips for surrendering and success

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